
Toothache: how to deal with it

Toothache usually comes from inside the tooth or around the gum and bone structures. Typically, a toothache feels like a constant or intermittent throbbing pain that doesn’t go away. Changes in temperature, such as exposure to cold drinks or pressure on a tooth while chewing, can stimulate tooth pain. In other cases, toothache may occur spontaneously without any stimulation.

It’s hard to ignore a sore tooth while eating or going about your day in general. The painful tooth or area is serious enough that you should seek help and care from your dentist before things get worse.

Types of toothaches

Toothache is considered as an one of the most troublesome and burdensome physical ailments. It often makes it impossible to focus on everyday duties, makes you feel uncomfortable when eating and drinking, or you cannot sleep. This is the body’s natural reaction to abnormalities in the oral cavity. Just as the causes responsible for the formation of pain can be divided into different types, pain itself can be classified in terms of intensity, occurrence or location.

What are the symptoms and signs of a toothache?

Signs and symptoms that may indicate a tooth problem include:

  • pain when biting or chewing,
  • tooth hypersensitivity to temperature changes,
  • swelling of the cheek or gum near the tooth,
  • discharge or bleeding from the gum,
  • constant throbbing sensation in the tooth.

Toothache can present as a sharp or dull pain that is spontaneous or triggered by stimulation. Additional symptoms may include: headache, neck pain, ear pain, fever, and a bad taste or smell in the mouth.

How to cure a toothache

In any case of toothache, we should go to the dentist’s office as soon as possible. Many people wonder about the toothache medications they can take. They decide to buy painkillers or tries to relieve pain with home remedies. It is worth remembering these are only ad hoc solutions that often overcome pain only for a while, without fighting its cause. What’s more, the patient thinks he knows which particular tooth hurts. However, it often happens that the dental nerves send the wrong signals to the brain, and the problem may lie elsewhere in the oral cavity.

Are home remedies effective?

Keep in mind that home remedies are only temporary relief for severe toothache. They are not intended to treat the problem. So how can you get immediate relief without the help of a dentist? The key and most common step will be a painkiller. Over-the-counter painkillers (e.g. ibuprofen) are anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drugs and should be taken as directed in the leaflet.

Essential oils such as clove oil can also be a temporary remedy for a toothache. This oil is an ingredient in some calming dental fillers. It is a natural home remedy that has a numbing effect and can provide quick relief. It can be found in every pharmacy.

In the case of pain after tooth extraction, it is often recommended to use cold compresses (up to a quarter of an hour, every hour). However, it is important that the skin does not come into direct contact with the ice. It is therefore worth covering it with a towel or using ready-made or gel compresses.

However, keep in mind that first of all proper diagnosis and treatment by a dentist is recommended in order to successfully treat a toothache.

How to prevent toothaches?

The best way to effectively prevent the aforementioned toothaches and accompanying ailments is to take care of the health of your teeth and gums. Therefore, you should always maintain proper oral hygiene (i.e. brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste). Together with them, clean the tongue and gums, as well as the spaces between the teeth with dental floss. It is also advisable to limit foods containing sugar. Finally, regular check-ups at the dentist’s office will help to react early in case of problems.

Inflammation of the teeth or erupting eight are examples of situations in which you should urgently consult a dentist! A dentist is a person who will be able to relieve toothache in an effective and safe way. It is worth trusting a specialist, science and proven equipment and not to upset your body by consuming painkillers too often. The sooner we go to the dentist, the greater the chance of healing the tooth and avoiding pain is.

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