How are dental check-ups going?

Dentist Poland

Regular dental check-ups, next to the rules of proper oral hygiene, are the most important element of prevention of dental and oral cavity diseases. Unfortunately many people for fear that such a visit will be unpleasant for them, often avoid them for a long time. This is a big mistake. Irregular examination of the condition of the oral cavity can only have an even more negative impact on the condition of the teeth. And this can make us go to the dentist next time out of necessity, and not just in case.

Why is a dental check-up important?

We often underestimate the impact of oral health on the health of the whole body. According to the majority, dental care is related only to beauty and aesthetics. In fact, untreated oral conditions can contribute to the development of other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and circulatory system disease.

Regular visits to the dentist also prevent diseases within the oral cavity itself. A properly early reaction increases the effectiveness of possible treatment, which in the worst case could end with tooth extraction. It should be remembered that with the more and more advanced methods used in dentistry, the costs of treatment also increase. The purely aesthetic aspect should also be considered. Healthy and white teeth add beauty and increase self-confidence. Treatments at the dentist’s office, apart from taking care of health, also contribute to a beautiful smile.

How often should you visit the dentist?

There are no specific guidelines as to when you should visit the dentist’s office. To avoid inflammation and other diseases, it is worth going for a check-up at least once a year. Individual predispositions are also important, because if we tend to quickly develop tartar or crumbling teeth, it is worth using dental services more often. People who wear braces, smoke cigarettes or are pregnant should also check the condition of their teeth more often.

Dental Poland

The course of the control examination of the oral cavity

The main purpose of the follow-up visit is always to make a general assessment of the condition of the oral cavity and to perform a complete examination of all teeth. During the examination, the dentist or orthodontist checks not only the teeth, but also the general condition of the oral cavity. He checks whether there are any signs of developing caries on any of the teeth, looks for the presence of plaque and tartar as well as cavities in the teeth. If a cavity is noticed in any of them, then, of course, the dentist will take care of it immediately. He will clean and fill it with a seal. If necessary, the dentist may also order additional tests, e.g. X-ray of the teeth. Such situations occur when inflammation is found inside the tooth or on its roots.

How to prepare for the follow-up visit?

Before the dental check-ups, you must, of course, take care of proper oral hygiene each time. In addition to brushing your teeth thoroughly, it is also good to use dental floss and mouthwash. If we are unable to do these activities before going to the dentist, you need to ask the dentist for a disposable toothbrush and toothpaste and brush your teeth on the spot.

Many people are nervous about going to the dentist’s office. In such a situation, it is worth remembering that the specialist does not intend to harm the patient, but only to cure his ailments. It should also not be forgotten that nowadays dental procedures are practically painless. It is also good to bear in mind that check-up visits to the dentist allow you to avoid a complicated treatment process.

Patients’ mistakes in dental prophylaxis

Fewer dental check-ups obviously put patients at risk of serious dental problems. By delaying going to the dentist, we act to our disadvantage, because caries can appear without any obstacles. Later, we will have drilling, root canal treatment and even extraction.

Many people adhere to the rule that they go to the dentist only when absolutely necessary. When they start to feel the negative consequences of omissions, i.e. intense, prolonged pain, then they make an appointment. This is a serious mistake, because with regular check-ups, they could avoid pain completely and heal their teeth early enough. Regularity in visiting the dentist allows for early detection of problems and preventing their escalation.

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